Scumbag Steve

OTP player stats: 6'11, 280 lbs only hits & clappers

OTP player stats: 
6'11, 280 lbs only
hits & clappers  Scumbag Steve

Notices your status says you're from smyrna reminds you that you don't live in smyrna

Notices your status says you're from smyrna reminds you that you don't live in smyrna  Scumbag Steve

HAs meme made about him fails at rebuttal memes

HAs meme made about him fails at rebuttal memes  Scumbag Steve

asks for one of your nachos takes one from bottom that has all the cheese

asks for one of your nachos takes one from bottom that has all the cheese  Scumbag Steve

Often on 9gag never comments

Often on 9gag never comments  Scumbag Steve

takes a shit on your dog blames the dog

takes a shit on your dog blames the dog  Scumbag Steve

Kid thought he was being real clever. Forgets an O in his 'too' though. Got real close there.

Kid thought he was being real clever. Forgets an O in his 'too' though. Got real close there.  Scumbag Steve

Hey bro, can I borrow that pencil for 5 seconds? Never gives it back

Hey bro, can I borrow that pencil for 5 seconds? Never gives it back  Scumbag Steve

Talks shit about feminists doesn't know shit about feminism

Talks shit about feminists doesn't know shit about feminism  Scumbag Steve


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