Scumbag Steve

Knows that you clean bathrooms at a fast food restaurant takes an upper decker and pisses all over the floors

Knows that you clean bathrooms at a fast food restaurant  takes an upper decker and pisses all over the floors  Scumbag Steve

Leaves AF for no apparent reason sets up tiny group that gets nowhere CA

Leaves AF for no apparent reason sets up tiny group that gets nowhere CA  Scumbag Steve

shen ult up Whole team gank bot keeps on farming

shen ult up             Whole team gank bot keeps on farming  Scumbag Steve

Collects everyone's money for bill at restaurant Keeps tip

Collects everyone's money for bill at restaurant Keeps tip  Scumbag Steve

Puts down head looks at shoes

Puts down head looks at shoes  Scumbag Steve

Finds 1,000 dollers on street pays no one back and spends it on hookers

Finds 1,000 dollers on street  pays no one back and spends it on hookers  Scumbag Steve

Sees guy succeeding with lady Devises plan to cockblock

Sees guy succeeding with lady Devises plan to cockblock  Scumbag Steve

Sends out email warning that we'll be short staffed all night Doesn't take calls

Sends out email warning that we'll be short staffed all night Doesn't take calls  Scumbag Steve

asks for one bite of sandwich takes three

asks for one bite of sandwich takes three  Scumbag Steve

I think I just saw a ghost Can I sleep in your room tonight?

I think I just saw a ghost Can I sleep in your room tonight?  Scumbag Steve
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