Scumbag Steve

Steals your diet programme Gives no credit

Steals your diet programme  Gives no credit  Scumbag Steve

Knows you're at work Sends you NSFW links

Knows you're at work Sends you NSFW links  Scumbag Steve

"Whatever happened to tell me if you have a problem?" "Deal with it."

Just waits for companies to release stuff And then pretends he is smarter than them

Just waits for companies to release stuff And then pretends he is smarter than them  Scumbag Steve

"Hey man can i get a bite?" Eats entire burger

Shops at Walmart Uses the electric cart

Shops at Walmart Uses the electric cart  Scumbag Steve

Takes shower earlier than roommates Leaves no hot water

Takes shower earlier than roommates Leaves no hot water  Scumbag Steve

Bums cigarette sells loosey

Bums cigarette sells loosey  Scumbag Steve

Complains about being a poor college student Eats out every meal.

Complains about being a poor college student Eats out every meal.  Scumbag Steve

Lives in an apartment building Has a dog that barks all day

Lives in an apartment building Has a dog that barks all day  Scumbag Steve
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