Scumbag Steve

Oh its summer Time to turn up my music and open my windows

Oh its summer Time to turn up my music and open my windows  Scumbag Steve

Knifes the guy youre shooting Doesn't bother to help save you

Knifes the guy youre shooting Doesn't bother to help save you  Scumbag Steve

calls you and you tell him you're busy immediately launches into 15 minute monologue

calls you and you tell him you're busy immediately launches into 15 minute monologue  Scumbag Steve

Says he is too broke to chip in for gas spends hundreds of dollars on drugs

Says he is too broke to chip in for gas spends hundreds of dollars on drugs  Scumbag Steve

Complaints about gas price Drives a Hummer

Complaints about gas price Drives a Hummer  Scumbag Steve

Goes on /r/new To downvote

Goes on /r/new To downvote   Scumbag Steve

Dude, do you want a soda? "They're in the fridge."

Dude, do you want a soda?

drama going down about our subreddit for exchanging photos of women in public gets his cancer treatments instead of resolving it quickly

drama going down about our subreddit for exchanging photos of women in public gets his cancer treatments instead of resolving it quickly  Scumbag Steve


DANE ENGWALL  Scumbag Steve

Wants to play Cod with you Spends 20 minutes making custom classes

Wants to play Cod with you Spends 20 minutes making custom classes  Scumbag Steve
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