Scumbag Steve

Makes a submition to /r/adviceanimals Downvotes all the others

Makes a submition to /r/adviceanimals Downvotes all the others  Scumbag Steve

Gives you HPV Tells you to have fun giving HPV to everyone

Gives you HPV Tells you to have fun giving HPV to everyone  Scumbag Steve

Buys easter chocolate for his mom eats it two days later

Buys easter chocolate for his mom eats it two days later  Scumbag Steve

Is in right-turn lane pulls out in front of left turning car and proceeds to go left

Is in right-turn lane pulls out in front of left turning car and proceeds to go left  Scumbag Steve

Uses handicapped stall while at work to hide from co-workers, customers, and to eat his lunch.

Uses handicapped stall while at work to hide from co-workers, customers, and to eat his lunch.  Scumbag Steve

sells impure weed

 sells impure weed  Scumbag Steve

Behind you with an Ambulance coming Doesn't pull over and passes you

Behind you with an Ambulance coming Doesn't pull over and passes you  Scumbag Steve

accuses you of stealing money tricks you into consuming ex-lax, then locks you out of the bathroom until you shit yourself

accuses you of stealing money tricks you into consuming ex-lax, then locks you out of the bathroom until you shit yourself  Scumbag Steve

Keep dating that girl i want to fuck her friends

Keep dating that girl i want to fuck her friends  Scumbag Steve

Post on reddit Lies about it being his first post so he can get karma

Post on reddit  Lies about it being his first post so he can get karma  Scumbag Steve
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