Scumbag Steve

Has no successful post ever Downvotes everything

Has no successful post ever Downvotes everything  Scumbag Steve

gets arrested and brags to everyone about how much money he makes selling drugs Can't make $500 bail and starts snitching

gets arrested and brags to everyone about how much money he makes selling drugs Can't make $500 bail and starts snitching  Scumbag Steve

bitches about no original content Has 0 link Karma

bitches about no original content Has 0 link Karma  Scumbag Steve

passes out on my bed leaves crotch fleas

passes out on my bed leaves  crotch fleas  Scumbag Steve

lane ends 500 feet merges 499 feet later

lane ends 500 feet merges 499 feet later  Scumbag Steve

Uses google chrome DuckDuckGo is default search engine

Uses google chrome DuckDuckGo is default search engine  Scumbag Steve

Drives like a total asshole claims he's a "talented driver"

Drives like a total asshole claims he's a

Buys girlfriend $90 engagement ring then has enough cash to buy $400 stereo

Buys girlfriend $90 engagement ring then has enough cash  to buy $400 stereo  Scumbag Steve

Sees the right lane is closing Drives past the cars patiently waiting and cuts in

Sees the right lane is closing Drives past the cars patiently waiting and cuts in  Scumbag Steve

"Dude can i have some nachos" Takes the biggest chip with the most stuff on it

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