Scumbag Steve

Owns a coffee shop in a nice, suburban area "Restrooms are for customers only. Key is available at the counter."

Owns a coffee shop in a nice, suburban area

Throws a party at your apartment buys strictly vodka and doesn't clean up after

Throws a party at your apartment  buys strictly vodka and doesn't clean up after  Scumbag Steve

pretends he is in school on days off just for the lunch money

pretends he is in school on days off just for the lunch money  Scumbag Steve

said he loves broncos the only player he can name is tim tebow

said he loves broncos the only player he can name is tim tebow  Scumbag Steve

puts right hand in, puts right hand out, puts right hand in doesn't shake it all about

puts right hand in, puts right hand out, puts right hand in doesn't shake it all about  Scumbag Steve

dabs your face with a napkin Asks if it smells like chloroform to you

dabs your face with a napkin Asks if it smells like chloroform to you  Scumbag Steve

Uses your bathroom pees all over the floor.

Uses your bathroom pees all over the floor.  Scumbag Steve

says we'll switch off every death never dies

says we'll switch off every death never dies  Scumbag Steve

Asks to see your phone Then shoves you in pool and runs away with it

Asks to see your phone Then shoves you in pool and runs away with it  Scumbag Steve

brings booze to a byob party hides it and drinks from other people

brings booze to a byob party hides it and drinks from other people  Scumbag Steve
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