Scumbag Steve

designated driver. first one to get drunk.

designated driver. first one to get drunk.  Scumbag Steve

Sees you reading Harry Potter 7 Asks if Voldemort died yet

Sees you reading Harry Potter 7 Asks if Voldemort died yet  Scumbag Steve

gets bartenders attention has no idea what he wants to drink

gets bartenders attention has no idea what he wants to drink  Scumbag Steve

2 seconds into TAG team fighting game "Yo Bro, Tag me in"

2 seconds into TAG team fighting game

brings a gun to a knife fight

brings a gun to a knife fight  Scumbag Steve

kev hoon just got laid waddup girl old enough to be his mother

kev hoon just got laid waddup girl old enough to be his mother  Scumbag Steve

dude can you take me to lunch pen explodes in camaro

dude can you take me to lunch pen explodes in camaro  Scumbag Steve

goes downstairs for a cup of water comes back with cookies and juice

goes downstairs for a cup of water comes back with cookies and juice  Scumbag Steve

"i've got a real job" dishwasher for ihop

Friend shows him reddit Covers facebook homepage in cats next day

Friend shows him reddit Covers facebook homepage in cats next day  Scumbag Steve
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