Scumbag Steve

Fills up pots in the sink to soak Continues to pile dishes on top of them

Fills up pots in the sink to soak Continues to pile dishes on top of them  Scumbag Steve

sabotages his friends efforts to quit smoking just so he doesn't have to go on his smoke break alone

sabotages his friends efforts to quit smoking just so he doesn't have to go on his smoke break alone  Scumbag Steve

Ask's if you'll pick him up and drive him to work every morning for a few weeks because his car broke down Constantly tells you how shitty your car is.

Ask's if you'll pick him up and drive him to work every morning for a few weeks because his car broke down Constantly tells you how shitty your car is.    Scumbag Steve

$399 = 350 pounds Right UK? Yeah?

$399 = 350 pounds Right UK? Yeah?  Scumbag Steve

Sees you've forgotten your password and the answer to your secret question Doesn't fucking tell you what they are

Sees you've forgotten your password and the answer to your secret question Doesn't fucking tell you what they are  Scumbag Steve

Takes awesome pictures of us as Sherlock and Watson at ComicCon two weeks ago Has yet to make any attempt at all of getting them to me

Takes awesome pictures of us as Sherlock and Watson at ComicCon two weeks ago Has yet to make any attempt at all of getting them to me  Scumbag Steve

"Ha bro you're getting a summer job at a mechanic shop? What a loser Sits on his ass all day only getting up for school

gets on the freeway on-ramp behind you floors it and screams past you with an inch to spare

gets on the freeway on-ramp behind you floors it and screams past you with an inch to spare  Scumbag Steve

"Can i have a chip?" Takes handful of chips

) . ( . ~ ~ y ima b i t c h o o

 ) . (  . ~ ~ y ima  b i t c h o o  Scumbag Steve
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