Scumbag Steve

Offers to hook you up with his hot friend keeps her for himself

Offers to hook you up with his hot friend keeps her for himself  Scumbag Steve

doesn't invite you to their wedding is upset when they are not invited to yours

doesn't invite you to their wedding is upset when they are not invited to yours  Scumbag Steve

friend with someone who made fun of his girlfriend from Boston yesterday today maked a Scumbag Steve post talking shit because he said "My heart and thoughts go out to the victims and family members of the Boston Marathon today."

friend with someone who made fun of his girlfriend from Boston yesterday today maked a Scumbag Steve post talking shit because he said

Is on Facebook everyday Except for the days group project discussions are held on Facebook

Is on Facebook everyday Except for the days group project discussions are held on Facebook  Scumbag Steve

has to shit at a party and his best friend is already on the toilet shits in the bathtub, then pours kitty litter over it. You know, to try to blame it on the cat.

has to shit at a party and his best friend is already on the toilet shits in the bathtub, then pours kitty litter over it. You know, to try to blame it on the cat.  Scumbag Steve

Refuses to trade aisle seat for Mom w/ Baby so she can sit with Husband & child Because he has to get his laptop from the overhead bin for "work"

Refuses to trade aisle seat for Mom w/ Baby so she can sit with Husband & child Because he has to get his laptop from the overhead bin for

Pushes you into a swimming pool fully clothed "Hey, at least I saved your phone."

Pushes you into a swimming pool fully clothed

Schedules Every meeting during everyone's lunch hour

Schedules Every meeting during everyone's lunch hour  Scumbag Steve

Weaving in and out of traffic at 90 mph Gets mad at you when you almost hit him

Weaving in and out of traffic at 90 mph Gets mad at you when you almost hit him  Scumbag Steve

Takes payment to unlock next level Doesn't refill lives

Takes payment to unlock next level Doesn't refill lives  Scumbag Steve
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