Scumbag Steve

promise of neutral to positive outcome fucks your mother

promise of neutral to positive outcome fucks your mother  Scumbag Steve

friend sends you funny meme posts it as OC for karma

friend sends you funny meme posts it as OC for karma  Scumbag Steve

clogs your toilet leaves it and doesn't tell you

clogs your toilet leaves it and doesn't tell you  Scumbag Steve

passes you roached joint holds onto filter so you are forced to burn your hand

passes you roached joint holds onto filter so you are forced to burn your hand  Scumbag Steve

"You can't believe everything you read on the internet" reads all news off internet then brings up an article off the net while arguing with you

Sees a homeless guy in houston Take a picture!

Sees a homeless guy in houston Take a picture!  Scumbag Steve

multiple children were shot dead in connecticut? better politicize this and fast as possible!

multiple children were shot dead in connecticut? better politicize this and fast as possible!  Scumbag Steve

Upvotes all the bad posts on reddit So people click on them

Upvotes all the bad posts on reddit So people click on them  Scumbag Steve

Won't buy mum a present Won't wrap present you bought for him to give to her

Won't buy mum a present Won't wrap present you bought for him to give to her  Scumbag Steve

goes on r/new to downvote other posts so his can reach frontpage

goes on r/new to downvote other posts so his can reach frontpage  Scumbag Steve
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