Scumbag Steve

asks why you're wearing a tapout shirt if you're not a fighter is wearing a baseball cap

asks why you're wearing a tapout shirt if you're not a fighter is wearing a baseball cap  Scumbag Steve

Tells you not to screen peek Screen peeks the whole game

Tells you not to screen peek Screen peeks the whole game  Scumbag Steve

Survives potentially fatal motorcycle accident due to well designed helmet won't give damaged helmet for research to save even more lives

Survives potentially fatal motorcycle accident due to well designed helmet won't give damaged helmet for research to save even more lives  Scumbag Steve

Goes out to get munchies Comes back with all half eaten food

Goes out to get munchies Comes back with all half eaten food  Scumbag Steve

gets hungry at friends house sticks fingers in penut butter

gets hungry at friends house  sticks fingers in penut butter   Scumbag Steve

Goes to lake havasu Joins alpha gamma douche

Goes to lake havasu Joins alpha gamma douche  Scumbag Steve

says host dns with you and has you make changes and explain the routing doesn't tell you they had changed changed their nameservers to point to another provider at beginning of chat

says host dns with you and has you make changes and explain the routing doesn't tell you they had changed changed their nameservers to point to another provider at beginning of chat  Scumbag Steve

Has bad skin Points out your one zit in front of a crowd of people

Has bad skin Points out your one zit in front of a crowd of people  Scumbag Steve

challenges high kid to a spitting contest

challenges high kid to a spitting contest  Scumbag Steve

"I'm not trying to spread this rumor but..." YOU ARE SPREADING THE FUCKING RUMOR

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