Scumbag Steve

I'll be there in a sec Shows up an hour later

I'll be there in a sec Shows up an hour later  Scumbag Steve

Becomes a Halloween Costume Still sucks

Becomes a Halloween Costume Still sucks  Scumbag Steve

Leaves 5 lbs of pulled pork at home tells his roommates how tender and tasty it was

Leaves 5 lbs of pulled pork at home tells his roommates how tender and tasty it was  Scumbag Steve

"yo can i have a sip of that, bro?" drinks half the bottle

grew up in the suburbs hardest shit ever.

grew up in the suburbs hardest shit ever.  Scumbag Steve

*Fart* SAFETY! Hits you anyways

SAFETY! Hits you anyways  Scumbag Steve

uses "n" word calls you racist when you point it out


Ask him a question. Doesn't respond (pretends he didn't hear it, though standing just a few feet away from him). Repeat question. Still no response. Repeat it again, now louder and slightly irritated. No response. YELL ANGRILY AT HIM THAT HE SHOULD AT LE

Ask him a question. Doesn't respond (pretends he didn't hear it, though standing just a few feet away from him). Repeat  question. Still no response. Repeat it again, now louder and slightly irritated. No response.

Hears your funny joke Says it louder

Hears your funny joke Says it louder  Scumbag Steve

Writes on the walls of brand new business building Doesn't erase it after he leaves

Writes on the walls of brand new business building Doesn't erase it after he leaves  Scumbag Steve
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