Scumbag Steve

Plays heavy Stays at spawn spy checking

Plays heavy Stays at spawn spy checking  Scumbag Steve

Says he wants the dark jamz Thought storage set was too weird

Says he wants the dark jamz Thought storage set was too weird   Scumbag Steve

I can hook you up with some weed Hey man wanna smoke me up?

I can hook you up with some weed Hey man wanna smoke me up?  Scumbag Steve



"That chick is a fuckin' fatass!" He weighs 270 lbs.

moderates subreddit with 450 000+ readers shuts it down because it has evolved beyond what he intended it to be

moderates subreddit with 450 000+ readers shuts it down because 
it has evolved beyond 
what he intended it to be  Scumbag Steve

On watch while tp-ing sees cops tells no one

On watch while tp-ing sees cops
tells no one  Scumbag Steve

befriend scumbag steve 'cause you're a good guy and understand that he's just a product of his environment wonder if you're in the twilight zone when he tries to manipulate you into inviting him to parties... doesn't understand that his peer pressure cavi

befriend scumbag steve 'cause you're a good guy and understand that he's just a product of his environment wonder if you're in the twilight zone when he tries to manipulate you into inviting him to parties... doesn't understand that his peer pressure cavi  Scumbag Steve

Comes over to help paint new house Ruins room with terrible painting skills and is a good friend and I appreciate the help but there are so many other things that could have been done. Now I am stuck with having to fix what was done and hours of extra wor

Comes over to help paint new house Ruins room with terrible painting skills and is a good friend and I appreciate the help but there are so many other things that could have been done. Now I am stuck with having to fix what was done and hours of extra wor  Scumbag Steve

steals a bottle from his friend's birthday party laughs on Facebook

steals a bottle from his friend's birthday party laughs on Facebook  Scumbag Steve
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