Scumbag Steve

Hates all the 'like if you want happiness, ignore if you want toe fungus' posts on Facebook Posts them to Reddit

Hates all the 'like if you want happiness, ignore if you want toe fungus' posts on Facebook Posts them to Reddit  Scumbag Steve

Drives while it's raining Doesn't turn headlights on

Drives while it's raining Doesn't turn headlights on  Scumbag Steve

Says twitter is stupid Uses hashtags on facebook

Says twitter is stupid Uses hashtags on facebook  Scumbag Steve

Parents give him cash when you pick him up Asks you to pay for him at dinner

Parents give him cash when you pick him up Asks you to pay for him at dinner  Scumbag Steve

Invites you out to dinner for date night Makes you pay AND tip

Invites you out to dinner for date night Makes you pay AND tip  Scumbag Steve

thinks my marriage is mismatched and that the person I'm with isn't right for me Dated a 20-year-old ex-stripper, knocked her up, and now has sole custody of what is her third child.

thinks my marriage is mismatched and that the person I'm with isn't right for me Dated a 20-year-old ex-stripper, knocked her up,  and now has sole custody of what is her third child.  Scumbag Steve

Eats last slice of pizza does not throw away empty box

Eats last slice of pizza does not throw away empty box  Scumbag Steve

knocks your glasses in the water while fishing tells you its your fault for having them on your head

knocks your glasses in the water while fishing tells you its your fault for having them on your head  Scumbag Steve

Knows yesterday was your cake day and reminds you... today

Knows yesterday was your cake day and reminds you... today  Scumbag Steve

Drives huge 4x4 truck swerves into oncoming traffic to avoid potholes

Drives huge 4x4 truck swerves into oncoming traffic to avoid potholes  Scumbag Steve
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