Scumbag Steve

Hangs Out Brings Bed Bugs

Hangs Out Brings Bed Bugs  Scumbag Steve

Knows you have a midterm tomorrow Blast the tv all night to help you sleep

Knows you have a midterm tomorrow Blast the tv all night to help you sleep  Scumbag Steve

sets his alarm for 7 doesn't need to get up until 9

sets his alarm for 7 doesn't need to get up until  9   Scumbag Steve

gives up smoking for let doesn't even smoke

gives up smoking for let doesn't even smoke  Scumbag Steve

Has 9-Hour pickup window shows up within first 5 scheduled minutes, leaves

Has 9-Hour pickup window
 shows up within first 5 scheduled minutes, leaves
  Scumbag Steve

Comes to class late lets the door slam shut

Comes to class late lets the door slam shut   Scumbag Steve

Allows complete stranger that claims to be from Microsoft, to remote into their computer Proceeds to call company that they pay to have support from, denies remote request

Allows complete stranger that claims to be from Microsoft, to remote into their computer Proceeds to call company that they pay to have support from, denies remote request  Scumbag Steve

Calls Nystrom a Cheap Shot Artist Cheers for Matt Cooke 82 games a season

Calls Nystrom a Cheap Shot Artist Cheers for Matt Cooke 82 games a season  Scumbag Steve

Starts Argument "I'm done arguing about this" (When you start winning)

Starts Argument

hey brah can i borrow $5000 for the electric bill has 9 pairs of air jordans

hey brah can i borrow $5000 for the electric bill has 9 pairs of air jordans  Scumbag Steve
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