Scumbag Steve

Wears a Basketball jersey while skiing

Wears a Basketball jersey while skiing  Scumbag Steve

perfectly good toilet 4 feet away pisses in sink

perfectly good toilet 4 feet away pisses in sink  Scumbag Steve

sits and plays video games with nephew Steals and sells nephew's games for booze money

sits and plays video games with nephew Steals and sells nephew's games for booze money  Scumbag Steve

School claims to offer a degree in computer science only uses macs

School claims to offer a degree in computer science only uses macs  Scumbag Steve

enters library talks all the way up the stairs

enters library talks all the way up the stairs  Scumbag Steve

is in middle school acts like homework is difficult

is in middle school acts like homework is difficult  Scumbag Steve

farts "did you just fart?"


goes to see Tommy lee & dj aero because he likes Motley Crue

goes to see Tommy lee & dj aero because he likes Motley Crue  Scumbag Steve

Chooses you as partner for class project Stops showing up to class the next day

Chooses you as partner for class project Stops showing up to class the next day  Scumbag Steve

plays peggle goes for both green pegs

plays peggle goes for both green pegs  Scumbag Steve
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