Scumbag Steve

Says he won't try to bang your sister slips her a roofie

Says he won't try to bang your sister slips her a roofie  Scumbag Steve

Finds you hiding in the corner while playing paintball, shoots you 50 times.

Finds you hiding in the corner while playing paintball, shoots you 50 times.  Scumbag Steve

uses toilet seat cover doesn't flush it

uses toilet seat cover doesn't flush it  Scumbag Steve

Creates timestamped logs with detailed information every hour Files named ----.log

Creates timestamped logs with detailed information every hour Files named <year>-<minute>-<day>-<hour>-<minute>.log  Scumbag Steve

Is in Group 4 to board airplane stands directly in front of gate blocking people in groups 1-3 from boarding plane while waiting for group 4 to be called

Is in Group 4 to board airplane stands directly in front of gate blocking people in groups 1-3 from boarding plane while waiting for group 4 to be called  Scumbag Steve

i know you want me harika erdal

i know you want me harika erdal  Scumbag Steve

Sees submission offering to donate $1 per upvote to a charity Downvotes it

Sees submission offering to donate $1 per upvote to a charity Downvotes it  Scumbag Steve

About to finish the kool-aid Leaves just enough in the container so that someone else has to deal with it

About to finish the kool-aid Leaves just enough in the container so that someone else has to deal with it  Scumbag Steve

Stops at red light Turns music up

Stops at red light Turns music up  Scumbag Steve

Scumbag Steve in front of you at checkout line doesn't tell you line is supposed to be closed behind him, lets you stand there 10 minutes.

Scumbag Steve in front of you at checkout line doesn't tell you line is supposed to be closed behind him, lets you stand there 10 minutes.   Scumbag Steve
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