Scumbag Steve

Friend just broke up with his girlfriend Allow me to play Jar of Hearts by Kristina Perri

Friend just broke up with his girlfriend  Allow me to play Jar of Hearts by Kristina Perri  Scumbag Steve

Tells you to chug a beer Tips the end of your bottle higher mid drink to make you choke

Tells you to chug a beer Tips the end of your bottle higher mid drink to make you choke  Scumbag Steve

Hey Reddit, check out my free app! Costs $4.99

Hey Reddit, check out my free app! Costs $4.99  Scumbag Steve

watches reservoir dogs stops tipping

watches reservoir dogs stops tipping  Scumbag Steve

says he is a scumbag actually is a scumbag

says he is a scumbag actually is a scumbag  Scumbag Steve

Gated Checkin unit tests keep failing on my code checkin Disabled unit tests for Gated Checkin

Gated Checkin unit tests keep failing on my code checkin Disabled unit tests for Gated Checkin  Scumbag Steve

Mad because his local music scene is dying. Complains about all the invites he gets from local bands on Facebook.

Mad because his local music scene is dying. Complains about all the invites he gets from local bands on Facebook.  Scumbag Steve

Watches a front page video about how to cook a perfect steak Posts this information as if he came up with it in a cooking tips thread

Watches a front page video about how to cook a perfect steak Posts this information as if he came up with it in a cooking tips thread  Scumbag Steve

complains about his drug problem on facebook posts all the drugs he does on instagram and brags about it

complains about his drug problem on facebook posts all the drugs he does on instagram and brags about it  Scumbag Steve

complains about posts featuring users' children Posts pictures of food and his dog

complains about posts featuring users' children Posts pictures of food and his dog  Scumbag Steve
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