Scumbag Steve

"Christians are so stupid. They believe a bunch of stupid stories from a book." Believes everything posted on /r/athiests

hears about the shootings in Colorado posts a joke about it on reddit

hears about the shootings in Colorado posts a joke about it on reddit  Scumbag Steve

Just saved money on his car insurance Driving away from the scene of the accident.

Just saved money on his car insurance Driving away from the scene of the accident.  Scumbag Steve

Doesn't like /r/atheism makes a cartoon instead of unsubscribing

Doesn't like /r/atheism makes a cartoon instead of unsubscribing  Scumbag Steve

Sees dark knight rises Ruins the whole movie in a Facebook status

Sees dark knight rises Ruins the whole movie in a Facebook status   Scumbag Steve

Hears that you are in the shower Flushes the toilet

Hears that you are in the shower Flushes the toilet  Scumbag Steve

Downvotes everything on r/cigars except context-less pictures

Downvotes everything on r/cigars except context-less pictures  Scumbag Steve

shows up unannounced at 3am asking to crash on your couch but saying no makes you the dick

shows up unannounced at 3am asking to crash on your couch but saying no makes you the dick  Scumbag Steve

gets his girlfriend to take naked pictures shows all his friends

gets his girlfriend to take naked pictures shows all his friends  Scumbag Steve

just barely missed his call, so you call back immediately doesn't pick up no matter how many times you call back

just barely missed his call, so you call back immediately doesn't pick up no matter how many times you call back  Scumbag Steve
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