Scumbag Steve

Press start to continue Presses A

Press start to continue Presses A  Scumbag Steve

Pays birthday dinner with gift card leaves no tip

Pays birthday dinner with gift card leaves no tip  Scumbag Steve

Texts at 7:03: "Sorry bro overslept omw" Texts at 7:26: "Almost there grabbing some mcdonald's"

Texts at 7:03:

Invites himself over to your house Gets pissed off when you tell them they can't stay

Invites himself over to your house Gets pissed off when you tell them they can't stay  Scumbag Steve

hates spiders, hates people loves spiderman

hates spiders, hates people loves spiderman  Scumbag Steve

"Yo dude lets split a case, I'll get you next time" Never gets you next time.

Has a piece of shit car puts the loudest exhaust on it money can buy

Has a piece of shit car puts the loudest exhaust on it money can buy  Scumbag Steve

Says "I know this is going to get downvoted but...." To get upvotes


refers to himself as a "pimp" if a girl sleeps with him refers to the girl as a "whore" if she ever sleeps with anyone else

refers to himself as a

Knows you couldn't get to sleep until really late Calls you first thing in the morning about test information

Knows you couldn't get to sleep until really late Calls you first thing in the morning about test information  Scumbag Steve
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