Scumbag Steve

Says he's not a douche really is.

Says he's not a douche really is.  Scumbag Steve

Complains about fuel price buys plastic bags every day

Complains about fuel price buys plastic bags every day  Scumbag Steve

Scumbag Steve Not really a scumbag afterall.

Scumbag Steve Not really a scumbag afterall.  Scumbag Steve

Whoever said that money isn't everything Was clearly misinformed

Whoever said that money isn't everything Was clearly misinformed  Scumbag Steve

Dates your sister Cheats on her with your girlfriend

Dates your sister Cheats on her with your girlfriend  Scumbag Steve

upset gamestop steals bonuses pirates games online

upset gamestop steals bonuses pirates games online
  Scumbag Steve

I LIKE HATS haha u mad brah?

I LIKE HATS haha u mad brah?  Scumbag Steve

First Happy birthday post Brags about it

First Happy birthday post Brags about it  Scumbag Steve

Got a curfew ticket im not paying for it

Got a curfew ticket im not paying for it  Scumbag Steve

Gets drinks with friends at a bar Doesn't pitch for tip or taxes. Or Beer.

Gets drinks with friends at a bar Doesn't pitch for tip or taxes. Or Beer.  Scumbag Steve
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