Scumbag Steve

Plays beer pong at party takes it way too seriously

Plays beer pong at party takes it way too seriously  Scumbag Steve

Only does mod updates With reactive battling and crit-hax

Only does mod updates With reactive battling and crit-hax  Scumbag Steve

borrows your pokemon games sells them for weed

borrows your pokemon games sells them for weed  Scumbag Steve

Buys girlfriend clothes at outlet store Leaves on more expensive tags

Buys girlfriend clothes at outlet store Leaves on more expensive tags  Scumbag Steve

opens new bag of trail mix eats all the m&m's

opens new bag of trail mix eats all the m&m's  Scumbag Steve

wins $5,000 from scratch off lotto ticket buys a fur coat and chain

wins $5,000 from scratch off lotto ticket buys a fur coat and chain  Scumbag Steve

Invited to water balloon fight Doesn't help fill up balloons and doesn't help clean up

Invited to water balloon fight Doesn't help fill up balloons and doesn't help clean up  Scumbag Steve

asks for some food eats half before you say anything

asks for some food eats half before you say anything  Scumbag Steve

GAme of thrones referenced tells you who gets killed off next

GAme of thrones referenced tells you who gets killed off next  Scumbag Steve

Finds Your lost phone "50 bucks"

Finds Your lost phone
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