Scumbag Steve

Gets into your car changes your music and a/c without asking

Gets into your car changes your music and a/c without asking  Scumbag Steve

Lets all go out to eat! Forgets money has you pay

Lets all go out to eat! Forgets money has you pay  Scumbag Steve

"police unfairly profile and harass young people like me" has pot leaves embroidered on his shirt, hat, and coat

takes a dump in your bathroom neglects to spray the air deodorizer

takes a dump in your bathroom neglects to spray the air deodorizer  Scumbag Steve

Decides he wants to troll people on /r/suicidewatch

Decides he wants to troll people on /r/suicidewatch  Scumbag Steve

bums cigs all night has a fresh pack in the car

bums cigs all night has a fresh pack in the car  Scumbag Steve

Says he goes to college for the free ged prep courses

Says he goes to college for the free ged prep courses  Scumbag Steve

"You sold cigarettes to a 4 year old?" "What a scumbag"

Has mono uses your cup

Has mono uses your cup  Scumbag Steve

says he'll bring over your long awaited for mardis gras beads with man eating shark hat doesn't

says he'll bring over your long awaited for mardis gras beads with man eating shark hat doesn't  Scumbag Steve
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