Scumbag Steve

Won't buy alcohol for minors "Bro, could you pick up some pot?"

Won't buy alcohol for minors

Has an uncensored Rick ross cd. Street cred.

Has an uncensored Rick ross cd. Street cred.  Scumbag Steve

Shoots every time he gets the ball Doesn't play defense

Shoots every time he gets the ball Doesn't play defense  Scumbag Steve

Someone's pencil falls right beside him Doesn't pick it up

Someone's pencil falls right beside him Doesn't pick it up  Scumbag Steve

Sees someone already posted his awesome idea doesn't upvote

Sees someone already posted his awesome idea doesn't upvote  Scumbag Steve

You tell him one of your loved ones passed away "Cool story, bro!"

You tell him one of your loved ones passed away

Notices you have a hot younger sister Fucks her

Notices you have a hot younger sister Fucks her  Scumbag Steve

Says It's for dummies Reaps Karma

Says It's for dummies Reaps Karma  Scumbag Steve

Throws up on the carpet first to leave in the morning

Throws up on the carpet first to leave in the morning  Scumbag Steve

Beats you to the work bathroom by 5 seconds leaves his shit in the toilet. no flush

Beats you to the work bathroom by 5 seconds leaves his shit in the toilet. no flush  Scumbag Steve
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