Scumbag Steve

Finishes milk carton Returns it back to the fridge

Finishes milk carton Returns it back to the fridge   Scumbag Steve

Complains when road workers are repaving the streets Complains when there are pot holes in the street.

Complains when road workers are repaving the streets Complains when there are pot holes in the street.   Scumbag Steve

Hey dude, I did the dishes Places dirty dishes in the sink

Hey dude, I did the dishes Places dirty dishes in the sink  Scumbag Steve

asks for credit for not being a karma whore on his cake day

asks for credit for not being a karma whore on his cake day  Scumbag Steve

she's not lesbian bro she's bi

she's not lesbian bro she's bi  Scumbag Steve

Sees you posted a picture of a nice car "yo get the fuck away from my car lol"

Sees you posted a picture of a nice car

"Hey bro, can i get that 10 bucks you owe me?" owes you like 100 dollars

has two reliable friends who use all mp to cast cure on him doesn't care when they get ko'd

has two reliable friends who use all mp to cast cure on him doesn't care when they get ko'd  Scumbag Steve

Goes on school trip to six flags Gets caught stealing and ends the trip for everyone

Goes on school trip to six flags Gets caught stealing and ends the trip for everyone  Scumbag Steve

Catches you browsing the web in class "What are you watching, bro!?!"

Catches you browsing the web in class
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