Scumbag Steve

yo herb! lets go to imperial this saturday

yo herb! lets go to imperial this saturday  Scumbag Steve

What! You don't share the same opinion as me? Downvotes for you, you satanic asshole.

What! You don't share the same opinion as me? Downvotes for you, you satanic asshole.  Scumbag Steve

Does something kind says it was "a friend" and posts it on a GGG meme for karma

Does something kind says it was

sits beside you farts

sits beside you farts  Scumbag Steve

asks you to do something he could do himself

asks you to do something he could do himself  Scumbag Steve

Yells at you on a daily basis about your faults Cant take a taste of his own medicine

Yells at you on a daily basis about your faults Cant take a taste of his own medicine  Scumbag Steve

Plays angry birds in class while professor is talking expects everyone in study group to be crutch

Plays angry birds in class while professor is talking expects everyone in study group to be crutch  Scumbag Steve

OMG RUUUUN! Oh nvm it's Just Casey Welton

OMG RUUUUN! Oh nvm it's Just Casey
Welton  Scumbag Steve

Asks to help with cooking breakfast Burns farina beyond repair

Asks to help with cooking breakfast Burns farina beyond repair  Scumbag Steve

Check out my blog Lessthan3

Check out my blog Lessthan3  Scumbag Steve
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