Scumbag Steve

Has a friends list on Steam Only plays EVE Online by himself

Has a friends list on Steam Only plays EVE Online by himself  Scumbag Steve

Let's take my car tomorrow to school Hook me up with gas bro

Let's take my car tomorrow to school Hook me up with gas bro  Scumbag Steve

Fails Midterm Blaims it on test anxiety

Fails Midterm Blaims it on test anxiety  Scumbag Steve

Decides to skip all scenes with drugs Chooses a movie that is 50% drugs scenes

Decides to skip all scenes with drugs Chooses a movie that is 50% drugs scenes  Scumbag Steve

Texts you: "Yo, what's up man?" You reply instantly: "Nothing, how about you?" NEVER TEXTS BACK

Texts you:

makes a blatant attack on your personality gets surprised and refuses to apologize when you get pissed

makes a blatant attack on your personality gets surprised and refuses to apologize when you get pissed  Scumbag Steve

text him and ask to hang out says "idk" every time you ask him

text him and ask to hang out says

Works in basecamp hangs around basecamp on days off

Works in basecamp hangs around basecamp on days off  Scumbag Steve

Sees acquantance at front of long Husker Hoagies line "Thanks for saving me a spot bro"

Sees acquantance at front of long Husker Hoagies line

Pretend avoir une amitier avec christophe veut juste sa mere

Pretend avoir une amitier avec christophe veut juste sa mere  Scumbag Steve
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