Scumbag Steve

Offers to store your weed taxes it

Offers to store your weed taxes it  Scumbag Steve

Takes girlfriend out to dq for their three month anniversary proposes to her

Takes girlfriend out to dq for their three month anniversary proposes to her  Scumbag Steve

Hears the word unmoderated Instantly rules it dilatory

Hears the word unmoderated Instantly rules it dilatory  Scumbag Steve

puff, puff, puff pass

puff, puff, puff pass  Scumbag Steve

Arrange to pick up bag off dealer tries to drive off without paying only to run into a tree and ruin car parents most likely paid for

Arrange to pick up bag off dealer tries to drive off without paying only to run into a tree and ruin car parents most likely paid for  Scumbag Steve

says he's not drunk is shitfaced

says he's not drunk is shitfaced  Scumbag Steve

Gets chipotle to go Takes entire bottle of smoked tabasco with him

Gets chipotle to go
 Takes entire bottle of smoked tabasco with him  Scumbag Steve

comments on a youtube video asks for thumbs up

comments on a youtube video asks for thumbs up  Scumbag Steve

Helps you get a job at his work. Everyone hates him and now they hate you

Helps you get a job at his work. Everyone hates him and now they hate you  Scumbag Steve

Says he'll get you weed if you got money takes half of it when he buys it from his dealer

Says he'll get you weed if you got money takes half of it when he buys it from his dealer  Scumbag Steve
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