Scumbag Steve

Learns Lucifer and won't teach you Brags learning it faster than you

Learns Lucifer and won't teach you Brags learning it faster than you   Scumbag Steve

My aunt has had cancer for 5 years and could die any day gotcha

My aunt has had cancer for 5 years and could die any day gotcha  Scumbag Steve

Makes a post complaining about reddit donation posts Still upvotes them all

Makes a post complaining about reddit donation posts Still upvotes them all  Scumbag Steve

Sees you are Watching the sixth sence "bruce willis is dead"

Sees you are Watching the sixth sence

Scumbag Andrew: Picks Riven ...Picks Riven

Scumbag Andrew: Picks Riven ...Picks Riven  Scumbag Steve

in the lane to go straight through the intersection decides to make a left turn without signaling after making everyone miss the green light

in the lane to go straight through the intersection decides to make a left turn without signaling after making everyone miss the green light  Scumbag Steve

Spams posts about death of Kim Jong il Trying to get on the front page of reddit

Spams posts about death of Kim Jong il Trying to get on the front page of reddit  Scumbag Steve

Complains old bosses were harder conveniently forgets Ragnaros heroic pre-nerf

Complains old bosses were harder conveniently forgets Ragnaros heroic pre-nerf  Scumbag Steve

Sees you heading for the same checkout at the supermarket Speeds up just enough to get in line first

Sees you heading for the same checkout at the supermarket Speeds up just enough to get in line first  Scumbag Steve

Poops in bottom of trash can duct tapes trash bag to can

Poops in bottom of trash can duct tapes trash bag to can  Scumbag Steve
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