Scumbag Steve

Teacher Calls Roll Says "Present"

Teacher Calls Roll Says

Stupid kids need to learn ratings Rips off new players

Stupid kids need to learn ratings Rips off new players  Scumbag Steve

Pitches in $3 for Pizza Takes all the Garlic sauce

Pitches in $3 for Pizza Takes all the Garlic sauce  Scumbag Steve

hey dude mind if i.... no!

hey dude mind if i.... no!  Scumbag Steve

gets high everyday can't even roll a cigarette

gets high everyday can't even roll a cigarette  Scumbag Steve

played steam and halfway to the moon like you asked i don't care, i'm still complaining, trey

played steam and halfway to the moon like you asked i don't care, i'm still complaining, trey  Scumbag Steve

Eow wallah! i'm gonna kill u!

Eow wallah! i'm gonna kill u!  Scumbag Steve

Asks for a sip of soda Drinks whole bottle

Asks for a sip of soda Drinks whole bottle  Scumbag Steve

Has one black friend Allowed to say N****

Has one black friend Allowed to say N****  Scumbag Steve

Works in Webhosting Hates Linux

Works in Webhosting Hates Linux  Scumbag Steve
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