Scumbag Steve

Hey Bro, can I b

Hey Bro, can I b   Scumbag Steve

Offers trade gets dump fired

Offers trade gets dump fired  Scumbag Steve

One person shit stirs him Hates everyone

One person shit stirs him Hates everyone  Scumbag Steve

"that jokes kinda weak." tells everyone joke, says he made it up.

Walk in on cease-fire Start shooting

Walk in on cease-fire Start shooting  Scumbag Steve

asks friends to make a bunch of memes takes all the karma

asks friends to make a bunch of memes takes all the karma  Scumbag Steve

Gets Robotics Grant Spends it on Legos

Gets Robotics Grant Spends it on Legos  Scumbag Steve

farts in class blames it on you

farts in class blames it on you  Scumbag Steve

Says Nigga in presence of black dude runs away

Says Nigga in presence of black dude runs away  Scumbag Steve

Keeps sticker on Hat No one knows why

Keeps sticker on Hat No one knows why  Scumbag Steve
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