Scumbag Steve

Sleeps with boss Brags that he makes more than the rest of us

Sleeps with boss Brags that he makes more than the rest of us  Scumbag Steve

brings up a topic of conversation doesn't want to hear what you have to say about it & keeps cutting you off when you try to talk

brings up a topic of conversation doesn't want to hear what you have to say about it & keeps cutting you off when you try to talk  Scumbag Steve

Trying to Loose weight. Gets high and eats all your food It's okay, I made myself throw-up afterwards.

Trying to Loose weight. Gets high and eats all your food It's okay, I made myself throw-up afterwards.  Scumbag Steve

Says a member of his band can DJ at his daughters wedding Lies about the DJ for months and then plays dumb when he says nobody in the band does DJ 12 days before the wedding

Says a member of his band can DJ at his daughters wedding Lies about the DJ for months and then plays dumb when he says nobody in the band does DJ 12 days before the wedding  Scumbag Steve

Orders food with you Uses your "tip money" to partly pay for his food

Orders food with you Uses your

why would we need to get cable? netflix is free

why would we need to get cable? netflix is free  Scumbag Steve

Gets mad because you were saving the spot in front of him in line for your friends, so you let him go ahead then his large group of friends all cut in front of you because he was saving their spot

Gets mad because you were saving the spot in front of him in line for your friends, so you let him go ahead then his large group of friends all cut in front of you because he was saving their spot  Scumbag Steve

Decides to get alcohol instead of perishable food items doesn't put them back

Decides to get alcohol instead of perishable food items doesn't put them back  Scumbag Steve

Is being paid to do job by the hour Takes longer than he should

Is being paid to do job by the hour Takes longer than he should  Scumbag Steve

Barges into your room while you sleep, turns the light on, and starts loudly going through your stuff Gets mad when you tell him to get out

Barges into your room while you sleep, turns the light on, and starts loudly going through your stuff Gets mad when you tell him to get out  Scumbag Steve
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