Scumbag Steve

Checking out of a hotel Leaves alarm set for the next person

Checking out of a hotel Leaves alarm set for the next person  Scumbag Steve

Says He's From Boston Also New York and Detroit

Says He's From Boston Also New York and Detroit   Scumbag Steve

brings a pair of socks As a gift to a secret santa party

brings a pair of socks As a gift to a secret santa party  Scumbag Steve


Playing Counter Strike Says -

Takes animal out of their natural habitat "look at this animal i just saved!"

Takes animal out of their natural habitat

Makes you work all weekend on grant misses deadline by minutes for no reason

Makes you work all weekend on grant misses deadline by minutes for no reason  Scumbag Steve

asks you to watch his stuff for a minute gone for 20 minutes

asks you to watch his stuff for a minute gone for 20 minutes  Scumbag Steve

Buys cheapest possible ticket won't shut up about cheapest, shittiest, service

Buys cheapest possible ticket won't shut up about cheapest, shittiest, service  Scumbag Steve

drives in the exit lane to skip other cars stops and holds up traffic until someone lets him back in

drives in the exit lane to skip other cars stops and holds up traffic until someone lets him back in  Scumbag Steve

Tells you how lucky you are for how hot your gf is.. asks her to be his beer pong partner and slaps her ass when she makes a cup and says "good game"

Tells you how lucky you are for how hot your gf is..  asks her to be his beer pong partner and slaps her ass when she makes a cup and says
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