Scumbag Steve

Been blocking this doorway All these years now

Been blocking this doorway All these years now  Scumbag Steve

Nah man don't invite that girl. Lets have a bro date. Hey man my girlfriends coming with us

Nah man don't invite that girl. Lets have a bro date. Hey man my girlfriends coming with us  Scumbag Steve

Follows you on twitter Unfollows a few weeks after you follow back

Follows you on twitter Unfollows a few weeks after you follow back  Scumbag Steve

Gets honked at for not accelerating at a green light flips off the person who honked at him

Gets honked at for not accelerating at a green light flips off the person who honked at him  Scumbag Steve

has a computer that's not selling on craigslist raises the price

has a computer that's not selling on craigslist raises the price  Scumbag Steve

Pays for food Using all the change from the "Take a penny, leave a penny"

Pays for food Using all the change from the

Complains about which candidate won Didnt vote

Complains about which candidate won Didnt vote  Scumbag Steve

sees friend makes meme downvotes as much as possible

sees friend makes meme downvotes as much as possible  Scumbag Steve

selflessly does you a favor without you askiing him tells you that you owe him

selflessly does you a favor without you askiing him tells you that you owe him   Scumbag Steve

Cuts you off in traffic makes you late for work

Cuts you off in traffic makes you late for work  Scumbag Steve
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