Scumbag Steve

Writes a product review on amazon Gives it 1 star for turning up a day late

Writes a product review on amazon Gives it 1 star for turning up  a day late  Scumbag Steve

bitches about number of smoker emails further clutters everyone's inbox

bitches about number of smoker emails further clutters everyone's inbox  Scumbag Steve

Does something nice makes a good guy greg about himself so everyone can hear about it

Does something nice makes a good guy greg about himself so everyone can hear about it  Scumbag Steve

in silent study area on phone, asked to move moves to the opposite side of the table

in silent study area on phone, asked to move moves to the opposite side of the table  Scumbag Steve

somehow gets a hold of your phone immediately tries to find your gf's nudes

somehow gets a hold of your phone immediately tries to find your gf's nudes  Scumbag Steve

Sees Bus driver waiting for him starts walking instead

Sees Bus driver waiting for him starts walking instead  Scumbag Steve

Agrees to watch his neighbors' pets watches their private vidoes instead

Agrees to watch his neighbors' pets watches their private vidoes instead  Scumbag Steve

Complains that reddit sucks Only upvotes the same shit to the front page.

Complains that reddit sucks Only upvotes the same shit to the front page.  Scumbag Steve

Says video games are for babies Level 90 Undead Hunter

Says video games are for babies Level 90 Undead Hunter  Scumbag Steve

Drives 50 MPH in a 55 mph zone keeps going 50 mph through the 35 mph zone while driving through town

Drives 50 MPH in a 55 mph zone keeps going 50 mph through the 35 mph zone while driving through town  Scumbag Steve
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