Scumbag Steve

finds your bag of weed youve been looking for while your sleeping in your coat pocket keeps it

finds your bag of weed youve been looking for while your sleeping in your coat pocket keeps it  Scumbag Steve

goes out of town for 2 weeks parks car in driveway

goes out of town for 2 weeks parks car in driveway  Scumbag Steve

Sees awesome reddit post submitted less then 24 hours ago Reposts it same day

Sees awesome reddit post submitted less then 24 hours ago Reposts it same day  Scumbag Steve


 Litters  Scumbag Steve

Jumps in front of your shot boots you for killing him

Jumps in front of your shot boots you for killing him  Scumbag Steve

Fondles his balls Touches the spliff that's not even his

Fondles his balls Touches the spliff that's not even his  Scumbag Steve

Says they're 200% anti-pinoy Actually supports them in debates.

Says they're 200% anti-pinoy Actually supports them in debates.  Scumbag Steve

Norejo paperst APSISIKO

Norejo paperst APSISIKO  Scumbag Steve

A Christian writes hateful note BLames all christians

A Christian writes hateful note BLames all christians   Scumbag Steve

goes to clarkson for engineering drops out on the third day

goes to clarkson for engineering drops out on the third day  Scumbag Steve
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