Scumbag Steve

Buys the best shoes for the season Doesnt make the team!

Buys the best shoes for the season Doesnt make the team!  Scumbag Steve

differentiates solutions in test tubes by marking on the tubes In PEN

differentiates solutions in test tubes by marking on the tubes In PEN  Scumbag Steve

owes you 20$ gives you a full bottle of watered down Booze

owes you 20$ gives you a full bottle of watered down Booze  Scumbag Steve

can you keep it down, my baby is trying to sleep SNORES Loudly

can you keep it down, my baby is trying to sleep SNORES Loudly   Scumbag Steve

Thinks about making LC meme facebook page Does

Thinks about making LC meme facebook page Does  Scumbag Steve

Bored @ Lena Karmel Sets off fire alarm 4 fucking times in a day

Bored @ Lena Karmel Sets off fire alarm 4 fucking times in a day  Scumbag Steve

Hears you're having a house party makes facebook event adds 1000 people

Hears you're having a house party makes facebook event adds 1000 people  Scumbag Steve

plays call of duty high on xbox live blames teammates when he goes 2-23

plays call of duty high on xbox live blames teammates when he goes 2-23  Scumbag Steve

Sees that you only have a small cup at water cooler. Fills up his jug anyway.

Sees that you only have a small cup at water cooler. Fills up his jug anyway.  Scumbag Steve

Asks you for a pencil Complains about how small of an eraser it has

Asks you for a pencil Complains about how small of an eraser it has  Scumbag Steve
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