Scumbag Steve

Makes HHH meme FB Page Karma Whores on Reddit

Makes HHH meme FB Page Karma Whores on Reddit  Scumbag Steve

only have $5 to get in house party douche charges $7

only have $5 to get in house party douche charges $7  Scumbag Steve

blast my rap all day erry day the R.A's don't do shit fuck the R.A's

blast my rap all day erry day  the R.A's don't do shit 
fuck the R.A's   Scumbag Steve

Goes to RPCC Computer Lab All The computers are taken by the cornell dining folks

Goes to RPCC Computer Lab All The computers are taken by the cornell dining folks  Scumbag Steve

I uploaded your favourite show! Just kidding. Now go to this site and do some surveys.

I uploaded your favourite show! Just kidding. Now go to this site and do some surveys.  Scumbag Steve

posts screenshots of misused memes where people using them wrong will never see them

posts screenshots of misused memes where people using them wrong will never see them  Scumbag Steve

"Thats funny" Doesn't laugh

hey bro can i borrow everything

hey bro can i borrow everything  Scumbag Steve

Scumbag CMu: Raises 1 billion dollars in donations still raises tuition for next year by 3%

Scumbag CMu: Raises 1 billion dollars in donations still raises tuition for next year by 3%  Scumbag Steve

Asks you to hold the elevator Presses 2nd Floor

Asks you to hold the elevator Presses 2nd Floor  Scumbag Steve
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