Scumbag Steve

Selling used xbox for $200 Can get a brand new one for $199

Selling used xbox for $200 Can get a brand new one for $199  Scumbag Steve

Plays basketball calls everything a foul

Plays basketball calls everything a foul  Scumbag Steve

Osama is dead? cool story bro Caption 3 goes here Caption 4 goes here

Osama is dead? cool story bro Caption 3 goes here Caption 4 goes here  Scumbag Steve

"What up my nigga" "Sorry jamal thought we was cool"

Uses condoms From Dollar Tree

Uses condoms From Dollar Tree  Scumbag Steve

Accused of being a scumbag Accuses different friend of being a scumbag

Accused of being a scumbag Accuses different friend of being a scumbag  Scumbag Steve

tries to get rid of his herpes by giving it out

tries to get rid of his herpes by giving it out  Scumbag Steve

Deletes facebook. Makes all friends lose sleep looking for him.

Deletes facebook. Makes all friends lose sleep looking for him.  Scumbag Steve

Asks for a bump SNORTS ENTIRE WRAP

Asks for a bump SNORTS ENTIRE WRAP  Scumbag Steve

Claims buying belkin is brand sonbbery Likes post dissing belkin

Claims buying belkin is brand sonbbery Likes post dissing belkin   Scumbag Steve
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