Scumbag Steve

Friend got his bicycle seat stolen lol just the seat?!

Friend got his bicycle seat stolen lol just the seat?!  Scumbag Steve

sees your toast is done toasting claims it as his own

sees your toast is done toasting claims it as his own  Scumbag Steve

talks with australian accent when he's at Outback Steakhouse

talks with australian accent when he's at Outback Steakhouse  Scumbag Steve

...because my name's Steve motherfucking Polychronopolous

...because my name's Steve motherfucking Polychronopolous  Scumbag Steve

Makes a new meme for r/AdviceAnimals Overly Attached Girlfriend

Makes a new meme for r/AdviceAnimals Overly Attached Girlfriend  Scumbag Steve

"the AI in this game is incredibly stupid" plays game on easiest setting

Wants you to come over and play halo spends the entire time you're there playing skyrim

Wants you to come over and play halo spends the entire time you're there playing skyrim  Scumbag Steve

Says he's high as fuck "Don't worry bro, i'm good to drive"

Says he's high as fuck

Asks out first girlfriend Dumps her

Asks out first girlfriend Dumps her  Scumbag Steve

Notices garbage is full stacks shit on top

Notices garbage is full stacks shit on top  Scumbag Steve
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