Scumbag Steve

Doesn't want to pay for minutes uses your phone instead

Doesn't want to pay for minutes uses your phone instead  Scumbag Steve

Asks you to give him his first cigarette Pins the blame on you for his newfound addiction

Asks you to give him his first cigarette Pins the blame on you for his newfound addiction  Scumbag Steve

Knows it's your turn to do the dishes since he's cooking Uses every single dish possible

Knows it's your turn to do the dishes since he's cooking Uses every single dish possible  Scumbag Steve

'I never have any gas in my car' drives to the other end of the county to see his girlfriend every weekend.

'I never have any gas in my car' drives to the other end of the county to see his girlfriend every weekend.   Scumbag Steve

Mando Protocol Brief Cordially invited to more

Mando Protocol Brief Cordially invited to more  Scumbag Steve

See's r/gonewild is a good place for karma whoring uploads naked pics of girlfriend without consent

See's r/gonewild is a good place for karma whoring uploads naked pics of girlfriend without consent  Scumbag Steve

Always has a sharpie so he can write on every bathroom door and wall

Always has a sharpie so he can write on every bathroom door and wall  Scumbag Steve

Has nothing to say about his beliefs bashes on other peoples beliefs religously

Has nothing to say about his beliefs bashes on other peoples beliefs religously  Scumbag Steve

is a father gives siracha bottle to infant

is a father gives siracha bottle to infant  Scumbag Steve

hey bro, pick me up some smokes on the delivery and i"ll give you a huge tip stiff

hey bro, pick me up some smokes on the delivery and i
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