Scumbag Steve

Doesn't read article comments anyway

Doesn't read article  comments anyway  Scumbag Steve

Uses a public restroom doesn't flush

Uses a public restroom doesn't flush  Scumbag Steve

goes for a piss shakes hands with you right after

goes for a piss shakes hands with you right after  Scumbag Steve

Goes to B.Y.O.B. party without alcohol Takes other people's liquor

Goes to B.Y.O.B. party without alcohol Takes other people's liquor  Scumbag Steve

Random Person shows up at Party Drinks own beer and punches wall

Random Person shows up at Party Drinks own beer and punches wall  Scumbag Steve

Takes croissant from Eng cafe Never Pays

Takes croissant from Eng cafe Never Pays  Scumbag Steve

whines on internet about SU policy did not attend general meeting

whines on internet about SU policy did not attend general meeting  Scumbag Steve

Calls girls ugly because they don't like rape

Calls girls ugly because they don't like rape  Scumbag Steve

Can't think of own caption Steals random meme. claims as his own.

Can't think of own caption Steals random meme.
claims as his own.  Scumbag Steve

have to piss bad "dude just think of flowing water falls"

have to piss bad
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