Scumbag Steve

Knows the computer next to them in the lab is broken Too lazy to mention it to the 50 students that sit down to use it

Knows the computer next to them in the lab is broken Too lazy to mention it to the 50 students that sit down to use it  Scumbag Steve

"It's cool. I drive better when I'm high." lacks the ability to hold a simple conversation at the drive thru

Comes to your apartment Pees on your toilet seat

Comes to your apartment Pees on your toilet seat  Scumbag Steve

talks to you when he's alone doesn't know you exist when with his friends

talks to you when he's alone doesn't know you exist when with his friends  Scumbag Steve

Uses the quiet area of the library to talk on his phone

Uses the quiet area of the library to talk on his phone  Scumbag Steve

Fake high fives you Legitimately thinks its funny after all these years

Fake high fives you Legitimately thinks its funny after all these years  Scumbag Steve

Asks you to bid on his ebay auction to help drive the price up Sees that you won and asks you to pay for the item

Asks you to bid on his ebay auction to help drive the price up Sees that you won and asks you to pay for the item  Scumbag Steve

Why dont you guys just fuck already

Why dont you guys just fuck already  Scumbag Steve

Two empty seats on the train Sits in the middle of them

Two empty seats on the train Sits in the middle of them  Scumbag Steve

invites you to his house to hang out has to poop, shower and take his dog for a walk

invites you to his house to hang out has to poop, shower and take his dog for a walk  Scumbag Steve
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