Scumbag Steve

Unplugs speakers to use with iPod Doesn't plug them back in and leaves

Unplugs speakers to use with iPod Doesn't plug them back in and leaves  Scumbag Steve

Bitches about gas prices Watches Nascar

Bitches about gas prices Watches Nascar  Scumbag Steve

sex scene in movie he's watching with you looks at your dick to see if you got a boner

sex scene in movie he's watching with you looks at your dick to see if you got a boner  Scumbag Steve

Sees 3 parallel parking spaces in a row Takes middle space

Sees 3 parallel parking spaces in a row Takes middle space  Scumbag Steve

Gets smoked out Steals rest of bud after host knocks out

Gets smoked out Steals rest of bud after host knocks out  Scumbag Steve

borrows your beard trimmer didn't trim his beard

borrows your beard trimmer didn't trim his beard  Scumbag Steve

Always calls parents assholes Parents pay all expenses

Always calls parents assholes Parents pay all expenses  Scumbag Steve

Browsing Reddit Everything on the internet is a repost

Browsing Reddit Everything on the internet is a repost  Scumbag Steve

Makes a new account just to submit reposts

Makes a new account just to submit reposts   Scumbag Steve

Sells you $40 worth of "dank shit" and speeds off in a car Oregano

Sells you $40 worth of
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