Scumbag Steve

Goes to batman premiere shoots people

Goes to batman premiere  shoots people  Scumbag Steve

cuts you off on the freeway marks you late to minyan

cuts you off on the freeway marks you late to minyan  Scumbag Steve

Calls you a nerd for gaming. overweight, sits in front of tv for hours on end watching sitcoms.

Calls you a nerd for gaming.  overweight, sits in front of tv for hours on end watching sitcoms.  Scumbag Steve

sees that you're in the shower Takes a shit next door anyway

sees that you're in the shower Takes a shit next door anyway  Scumbag Steve

Buys a new Beamer never buys TP or toothpaste

Buys a new Beamer never buys TP or toothpaste  Scumbag Steve

Two shows recording on DVR at once Cancels yours so he can watch live TV and his recording later

Two shows recording on DVR at once Cancels yours so he can watch live TV and his recording later  Scumbag Steve

Three urinals in men's room with no dividers takes the middle urinal

Three urinals in men's room with no dividers takes the middle urinal  Scumbag Steve

upset over tweet punches kid in the face

upset over tweet punches kid in the face  Scumbag Steve

Borrows your car never tells you about parking ticket he got

Borrows your car never tells you about parking ticket he got  Scumbag Steve

Reddit under heavy load? Clicks F5 as fast as he can

Reddit under heavy load? Clicks F5 as fast as he can  Scumbag Steve
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