Scumbag Steve

Gets caught with a packed bowl at home claims that I own it

Gets caught with a packed bowl at home  claims that I own it   Scumbag Steve

Fights someone half his size badass

Fights someone half his size badass  Scumbag Steve

Borrows $50 headphones and breaks them buys you a $1 pair and calls it even

Borrows $50 headphones and breaks them buys you a $1 pair and calls it even  Scumbag Steve

IS LONELY Indirectly tells everyone by up voting a good guy greg meme

IS LONELY Indirectly tells everyone by up voting a good guy greg meme  Scumbag Steve

Sees that you got new shoes steps on them to make them dirty

Sees that you got new shoes steps on them to make them dirty  Scumbag Steve

Asks you to spot him because he is out Complains about how much you give

Asks you to spot him because he is out Complains about how much you give  Scumbag Steve

Yells at roommates for being lazy Orders girlfriend to do everything for him

Yells at roommates for being lazy Orders girlfriend to do everything for him  Scumbag Steve

Starts argument Tells you to calm down

Starts argument Tells you to calm down  Scumbag Steve

calls you misinformed when you read news online is completely oblivious to anything that makes national headlines

calls you misinformed when you read news online is completely oblivious to anything that makes national headlines  Scumbag Steve

has a bad day at work beats his dog

has a bad day at work beats his dog  Scumbag Steve
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