Scumbag Steve

Trolls /r/ps3 to tell people how cheap games are on Steam

Trolls /r/ps3 to tell people how cheap games are on Steam  Scumbag Steve

Helps clean living room starts with couch coinage

Helps clean  
living room  starts with 
couch coinage  Scumbag Steve

Smokes in car with ashtray flicks ashes and butt out the window because 'the world is my ashtray'.

Smokes in car with ashtray flicks ashes and butt out the window because 'the world is my ashtray'.  Scumbag Steve

Is native american tells latinos to learn english

Is native american tells latinos to learn english  Scumbag Steve

Farts in crowded place Walks away and pretends that it was me

Farts in crowded place Walks away and pretends that it was me  Scumbag Steve

Stopped at a red light Honks

Stopped at a red light Honks  Scumbag Steve

Dumps his girlfriend asks her twin sister out

Dumps his girlfriend asks her twin sister out  Scumbag Steve

Is a dick to his girlfriend Uses the backlash from breaking up with her to whore karma

Is a dick to his girlfriend  Uses the backlash from breaking up with her to whore karma  Scumbag Steve

Finishes pot of coffee Leaves the coffee pot empty

Finishes pot of coffee Leaves the coffee pot empty  Scumbag Steve

suggests you get together earlier for an early morning meeting doesn't show up

suggests you get together earlier for an early morning meeting doesn't show up  Scumbag Steve
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