Scumbag Steve

starts your game without asking overwrite

starts your game without asking overwrite  Scumbag Steve

Moans about the tube being shit and expensive votes boris johnson

Moans about the tube being shit and expensive votes boris johnson  Scumbag Steve

closes his eyes and takes a deep breath turns towards you and sneezes in your face

closes his eyes and takes a deep breath turns towards you and sneezes in your face  Scumbag Steve

returns grinder wih a half gram and a thank you note check the keif 3 grams worth gone

returns grinder wih a half gram and a thank you note check the keif 3 grams worth gone   Scumbag Steve

Can't get karma on reddit reposts advice animals to facebook for likes

Can't get karma on reddit reposts advice animals to facebook for likes  Scumbag Steve

still uses song ringtones

still uses song ringtones  Scumbag Steve

tells everyone else to be there 10 minutes early 15 minutes late

tells everyone else to be there 10 minutes early 15 minutes late  Scumbag Steve

Sees student driver Passes them on left while crossing double lines and honks

Sees student driver Passes them on left while crossing double lines and honks  Scumbag Steve

"Hey bro, can we study together?" "Cool, can you teach me how to do everything?"

Arrests you for smoking bud on 4/20 Leaves you in holding cell without food or water for five days

Arrests you for smoking bud on 4/20 Leaves you in holding cell without food or water for five days  Scumbag Steve
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