Scumbag Steve

aspiring rapper has very poor vocabulary

aspiring rapper has very poor vocabulary  Scumbag Steve

Makes "Scumbag r/Trees" post Just trying to start a discussion, guys.


Takes the last computer in the PODS Watches TV on it

Takes the last computer in the PODS Watches TV on it  Scumbag Steve


Buys booze for freshman keeps all the change

Buys booze for freshman keeps all the change  Scumbag Steve

Leaves common room booth doesn't clean up his shit

Leaves common room booth doesn't clean up his shit  Scumbag Steve

thanks you for doing the dishes never does the fucking dishes

thanks you for doing the dishes never does the fucking dishes  Scumbag Steve

Sees you have your headphones in still tries to talk to you

Sees you have your headphones in still tries to talk to you  Scumbag Steve

BOrrows your phone charger never gives it back

BOrrows your phone charger never gives it back  Scumbag Steve

Father Kills Kids Family demands he be buried next to them

Father Kills Kids Family demands he be buried next to them   Scumbag Steve
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